This is a photo at Angels Landing that I took with my iPhone 5s on Labor day.
It was my first time doing this hike. I was awestruck standing in this position to think how high I had already climbed and how much higher I had left to go. I'm not really afraid of heights, but this was the point where I had to choose to go on and conquer the hike, or to let the impressive sheer drops on both sides turn me away.
The first aspect that I thought about from this image was contrast. I realized how small people were compared to the gigantic land formation. People seem to get smaller in this picture because they appear to be engulfed by the massive rock. As we compare the contrast in the size of people to the rock, we gain an understanding of how huge Angels Landing is.
Harmony is apparent in this photo through lines. First, the line that people are walking atop the crest of the peak leading towards the top psychologically gives us energy. This diagonal path creates a vector and brings our eyes towards the peak. As I climbed every ascending step took more energy to exhort, but I felt that although my energy was draining, my motivation to get to the top was growing larger as I was awaiting the moment where I could bask in the beauty at the top. Its interesting to see how that principal of vertical lines giving energy worked for me even in a real life situation, not just a visual experience. Second, when I reached the top where it became more horizontal, I was also filled with peace. Horizontal lines in this picture of the hike gave me a sense of rest, because they were a level place where I could take a break and absorb the scenery all around me.
Balance is another acknowledged aspect of visual communication in this photo. The shadow on the cliffside adds depth and helps this photo appear three dimensional. Next, the shape of the rock which seems to look like a giant triangle makes me feel like the name "Angels Landing" is very fitting because it is a peak that extends high up to the heavens where Angels could easily land from their decent above. In addition, the contrasting colors help compliment the beauty of this canyon with the red rock against green trees and plants, and the orange rock against the blue sky.
This Natural land beauty demands my respect because of it's majestic height and beautiful colors. I felt that if I were to not respect this rock that reaches skyward, it would not respect me and I could easily slip and fall to my death. I'm grateful to have this photo to remind me of my new respect and appreciation towards this magnificent creation.
Nice shot! That is an amazing picture.